Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)
November 2021

In our last sustainability update, we announced our commitment to set science-based targets through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Today, we are proud to announce that ZIMMERMANN has had its emissions reduction targets approved by the SBTi as consistent with levels required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.
ZIMMERMANN commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50% by FY* 2030 from a FY 2020 base year. ZIMMERMANN also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services, and upstream transportation and distribution 30% within the same timeframe.
The targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from our company’s operations (scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C, the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement.
Our targets for the emissions from our value chain (scope 3) meet the SBTi’s criteria for ambitious value chain goals, meaning they are in line with current best practice.
In addition, ZIMMERMANN has committed to setting a long-term target to reach net-zero emissions by no later than 2050.
Prior to reaching this important milestone, we completed our first GHG emissions inventory, adopting the methodology established by the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard for FY 2020. This is our baseline against which we will assess our progress in reducing our emissions.
We will commence tracking emission reductions from FY 2022.
Our GHG emissions inventory is shown in the table below. Further details regarding its boundaries and methodology will be shared in our Sustainability Report which will be published in December 2021. As part of the assurance of the report, we are also seeking third party independent assurance on our emission data.
FY 2020 |
Scope 1 |
tCO2e |
4.75 |
Scope 2 Location-based |
tCO2e |
692 |
Scope 2 Market-based |
tCO2e |
699 |
Scope 3** |
tCO2e |
28,780.90 |
Total emissions (market-based method) |
tCO2e |
29,484.7 |
Total emissions (location-based method) |
tCO2e |
29,478 |
FY 2020 |
C1 Purchased goods and services |
tCO2e |
17,798.91 |
C2 Capital goods |
tCO2e |
2,073.35 |
C3 Fuel and energy related activities |
tCO2e |
156.8 |
C4 Upstream transportation and distribution |
tCO2e |
4,791.23 |
C5 Waste generated in operations |
tCO2e |
583.88 |
C6 Business travel |
tCO2e |
88.26 |
C7 Employee commuting |
tCO2e |
993.48 |
C9 Downstream transportation and distribution |
tCO2e |
826.65 |
C11 Use of sold products (indirect) |
tCO2e |
1,189.98 |
C12 End-of-life treatment of sold product |
tCO2e |
278.36 |
Lastly, we worked with external climate strategy experts to identify a set of strategic actions in line with our commitment to reduce our overall emissions.
To halve our scope 1 and 2 emissions, we are focusing on the implementation of renewable energy within our own operations worldwide as well as improving energy efficiency in all of our stores and offices. We will share a progress update on these actions in the second half of 2022.
To reduce our scope 3 emissions 30% by FY 2030, we are focusing on logistics, exploring ways to limit the use of carbon-intensive transport modes, optimising shipping routes and reducing packaging.
Most importantly, we are working with our suppliers to reduce the impact of the materials we use to make our products, the largest contributors to our scope 3 emissions. Our work in this space includes: sourcing materials that, based on Life Cycle Impact Assessment data, have shown to have a lower carbon footprint; supporting our long term suppliers in their transition to energy efficient technologies and renewable energy; investing in innovative technologies with the potential to reduce the impact of materials and foster circularity.
Any progress made in this space will be regularly shared with updates on our website.
Collaboration and innovation with a focus on circularity will continue to be crucial in our approach to meeting our GHG emissions reduction targets.
* Financial Year
** Scope 3 Categories 8, 10, 13, 14 and 15 were excluded from the inventory being not applicable to ZIMMERMANN’s value chain